Permanent Collections


2023* Collateral Healing, Inc. “Affordable Fiber House “Project”, Models, test structures, garden communities, family dwellings & industrial building applications, WAP® Webster, MN
2018* Children’s Museum, “Sprouts”, St. Paul, MN
2012* New Prague High School, Fiber Benches, Tables and Desks, New Prague, MN
2011* Common Roots Cafe, Ascending Sculpture, Minneapolis, MN
2009* Macalester College, Markim Hall’s Institute for Global Citizenship, LEED Platinum Certification Products made from 100% fiber byproducts: windowsills, signage, and countertops, St. Paul, MN
2008* Saint Olaf College, Regents Hall of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum Certification Products, Northfield, MN
2007* United Nations Headquarters, New York, NY
2006* Minnesota State Fair, MPCA Reduce reuse and recycle exhibition space, St. Paul, MN
1997* Intermedia Arts Gallery, Fiber Molding, Minneapolis, MN
1995* The Children’s Museum,  Paper/Fiber Automated Brick Making Machine, St. Paul, MN